Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is life?

Life is challenge, meet it!
Life is a struggle, accept it!
Life is a sorrow, overcome it!
Life is a mystery, unfold it!
Life is a tragedy, face it!
Life is a joy, spread it!
Life is a duty, perform it!
Life is a romance, enjoy it!
Life is a gamble, watch it!
Life is a song, sing it!
Life is a game, play it!
Life is a journey, complete it!
Life is a puzzle, solve it!
Life is an adventure, dare it!
Life is an opportunity, grasp it!
Life is love, love it!
Life is beautiful, admire it!
Life is bliss, embrace it!
Life is God's gift, cherish it!

so...enjoy ur life to the max. ^-^


Anonymous said...

hehhee...sempoi...ko reka ke jiman?

Imran said...

nie mmbr ak bg dlu
bile ak belek2 blik buku ak 2
ak jumpe poem nie
ade r tmbh sket2