Tuesday, September 30, 2008
1st syawal
afta 30 days fasting, now it is raya tyme..
ramadhan dis year had taught me a lot.
n today afta break de fast, it is 1st syawal,,
dis year will b de first 1st syawal in KL for me
usually, i went back to kg a day or more before 1st syawal
it will b new experience for me
to semayang raya at my neighborhood's mosque
to raya at highway (fyi, afta de semayang raya, my family and i will journey to de north:my kampung at perlis.)
oh....it is 3.50a.m. now
tym to continue watching de champions league match XD
btw, selamat hari raya to everyone
n hope to see ramadhan again next year..
Monday, September 29, 2008
He's back
Good luck to all...

they are de pioneer batch of JPA sponsored students at INTI-UC who had succesfully gained admission to ivy-league and iny-league standard unis. in the States.
Josh and Samantha (U Penn)
Claire (Carnegie Mellon U)
Fiona (Northwestern U)
Julia (Brown U)
Siva and Wen Jian (Uni. of Calif,Berkeley)
Bernard(Wisconsin-Madison U)
Christopher, Ernest, Jessica, Ru Yun, Nyoi, Jason, Albert, Cunn Yong, Yung Terd, Yen Yen and Wan Naim (U of Michigan.Ann Arbor)
n to all who will join them next year,
together we strive to success
n frame our memory here in inti in our mind.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
we r united..
The UWC goal is the world peace. it might sounds cliched, but here is
where Palestinian can be best buddies with an israeli
and even gay can co-exist wif straight guy.
refugee or prince, black or white, man or woman,
The UWC welcomes everyone in its quest to promote world peace.
my point here is here where i studied was also filled wif student around de world.
for example, my macroeconomic class.
there are student from south korea, kenya, myanmar, zimbabwe, cameroon, india and saudi arabia.
the benefits are we can increase our knowledge about other country.
n i juz know dat the myanmar's currency is kyat.
di year will b green

::my baju raya dis year will be green in color::
:: today at 11, my mum woke me up and asked me to foolow her to but dis baju::
::dis year, i bought dis baju from de boutique near my house. de name is de'masyhur::
::afta searching, trying, paying we went back home::
::it will b my last raye shoppink in malaysia as i'll maybe frther my study at States::
::btw, Happy Raya to everyone::
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We can be contact at http://www.myspace.com/love_tbfc
pioneer 1st team:
CM-Shah (C)
Friday, September 26, 2008
who know dis game?
"hidup ini memang palat, tapi esok masih ada.."
dis will be next (erm...Malaysian movie) movie in my movie list.
KAMI follows a group of five friends as they squeeze in as much fun and reckless abandonment on their road to self-discovery before entering a new stage in their lives – higher education.
the casts will be:
Syarul Ezani (Ali)
Liyana Jasmay (Lyn)
Nas-T (Abu)
Adii (Zayanah Ibrahim)
Sofie (Juliana Evans)
check dis trailer out...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
why One Piece?
act, i dont know y,
but one piece has tought me to:
-appreciate my frens.
-never give up.
-many more..
dats y i luv to read it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wat's fren?
friends is not lyke a FUTSAL,, we shoot it afta we got it
friends is not lyke a SKATE,, we step on it afta we clean it
friends is not lyke a PAMPERS,, we damp it afta we use it (sensitive nee) =P
friends is not lyke a PEN,, we throw it away afta it inkless
friends is not lyke a JEWELLERY,, we mortgage it when we don't hav enough money
friends is not lyke a RAINBOW,, pas hujan bru muncul
friends is not lyke a CHIPSMORE,, (sekejap ade, sekejap xde)
friends is not lyke a PEANUT,, bak kate pepatah, bagaikan kacang lupakan kult (haha)
what's friends afta all?
ha.....Friends is lyke U......y??
bcoz u hav a tym 2 read all of this rubbish (tp sape yg appreciate 2,,tq2)
4 me, friends is really imprtant...
a fren will never let his or her frens crying, felt sad or do anything dat will hurt them
most IMPORTANT thing,,, a fren will alwez smile 2 his/her frens...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
hobi mereka di mase lapang...
Luqman-wat lawak2 yg kdang2 munasabah, kdang2 munasarawak
Rassyid-maen gitar,,pergh layan jiwang mamat nee..
Nasaai-maen2 bersama ekin =P
Firdaus(prof)-tgok hindustan..xpun ngan hadhari die,,xfaham aku
Tarmizi-die nee suke terajang bnda2,,haha
Haniff-maen game,,xkire r pape game pun
Aizat-maen ngan ka,,jgan slah faham lak
Firdaus(kelantan)-mengadap laptopnye
Pior-farted,,ape da..
Pooteen-kcau laptop org laen,,beware
Mub-x abes2 ngan kg. travian die
Hasbi-download, download, download, lagi...
p/s: nee berdasarkan kaca mata aku je, jgan terasa hati sume k
pepehal...korang sume best!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Straw Hat Pirates

talking, talking, talking..
my frens n i keep talking3x from nonsense to valuable things
from malaysian politic to civilization to where we'll staying in penang (4 toefl purposes)
byak gile ckap mlm nee
msing2 ade pndangan msing2
dats y they got de scholar
smart people
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
"dam dam dum!!"
da lame gile xmaen...
just now, my bro asked me 2 play wif him b4 i went bak 2 cllge
so..layan r die
DUSH! (eh, pelik je bnyi nee? XD)
da sedap2 men, tym buke pose
mkan lagi...
nyum! nyum!
burp! alhamdulillah
it has been long tym not taste foods dis tasty
"all of de above" statements are y i'll miss ramadan again..
Friday, September 5, 2008
life's like sardin
dis aftanoon, i hetch ktm to blik kg (rumah senarnye)
u knoe wat, ktm is almost.....em...nope, it's FULLY packed
like sardin thing..
then, wat can i c, malaysian people is not so tolerate 2 de others
"bagi r org 2 kuar dlu,, nee rebut2 nak msuk, adesyh.."
hope de pihak yg terbabit use de money dat govt giv during bajet dis year
~~till next post~~